Mission, Vision, and Values

EPUMC Mission Statement

We are a faith community striving to be, to nurture, and to send forth disciples of Jesus Christ.


EPUMC Vision Statement

Embraced by God's unconditional love and empowered by Christ's spirit, we will be Christ's disciples.  

We will worship with vibrancy and joy.  

We will nurture our church family into the expectation that all ages will learn, grow, and share.  

We will help one another discover, develop, and commit our spiritual gifts in grateful service to God.  

We will actively reach out to seekers, inviting them to discover God's transforming presence.  

We will practice ministries of compassion and justice with family, friends, and community.  

We will form partnerships to expand our capabilities to extend God's grace.


EPUMC Core Values

We affirm God's Love through:

  1. Divine Revelation.  We believe in a loving, triune God who invites us into relationship and calls us to be a covenant people.  God charges us to become disciples of Jesus Christ and calls us to serve the global community.  God lives in us in the person of the Holy Spirit and forms us in the likeness of Christ.  God's living word is contained in the Old and New Testament.
  2. Wesleyan Heritage.  We value its theology of grace, its spirituality of the heart, and its traditions of accountability which grounds us in te scriptures and calls us to embody both the journey inward (spiritual formation) and the journey outward (helping others) as the bedrock of our lived faith.
  3. Congregational Worship.  Our faith is lived and proclaimed in word, prayer, song, and deed, whereby our lives become transformed and renewed so that we may go out into the world to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
  4. Healthy Relationships.  We value respect for others, self-awareness, and balance in all facets of daily living.
  5. Generosity Toward Everyone.  We affirm all people and the gifts they bring.
  6. Caring for Creation.  We value protecting the environment, living in harmony with nature, and enhancing the quality of life.
  7. Mission Outreach.  We serve the local and global community through stewardship of time, talents, gifts, and graces.
  8. Embracing Change.  We accept mystery, take risks, and listen to and learn from others.
  9. Ministry.  We are committed to ministry, where most individual transformation and conversion take place.
  10. Connectionalism.  We rejoice in our United Methodist connection, which joins us in a common vision and a shared ministry to the world.